It was my Great Honor to attend the 120th Army-Navy game today in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! @NavyFB @ArmyWP_Football @ArmyNavyGame
上午9:02 - 2019年12月15日
● 超級盃(The Super Bowl)
1967年1月15日第一屆的超級盃,在加州的洛杉磯球場舉辦,由堪薩斯酋長隊(Kansas City Chiefs)對上綠灣包裝工(Green Bay Packer)。
「超級盃」是世界上每年最多人看的運動賽事之一,同時也創下美國尼爾森電視收視率(Nielson TV ratings)最高的紀錄,粗估該時段收視有超過1億的美國人(2015年,更創下史上最高紀錄:逾1億1,400萬人次),在同一時間收看超級盃的電視轉播。
2020年的超級盃,將在2月2日的佛州邁阿密舉辦,歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)與珍妮佛.羅培茲(Jennifer Lopez)將於中場進行表演。
● touchdown,名詞/ˈtʌtʃ.daʊn/達陣(得分)
英解:(in American football) the act of scoring points by carrying the ball across the other team's goal line or throwing the ball so that it is caught by a member of your team who is across the other team's goal line
例句:The crowd went nuts after the third touchdown.(第三次達陣得分後,觀眾們都高興像發瘋似的。)
用法:to touch down,動詞,降落、著陸。When an aircraft touches down, it lands.(當飛機與地面接觸時,指的就是降落。)
score a touchdown,引申為「成功地達到目標」,例如:Steve really scored a touchdown with that presentation.(史帝夫的報告,真的做得很成功。)
● tackle,動詞/ˈtæk(ə)l/擒抱、攔阻
英解:in rugby or American football to do this by taking hold of the player and making them fall
例句:The policeman brought the thief to the ground with a flying tackle.(警察飛撲到竊賊身上,將他制伏在地。)
用法:另一常用引申意思:「對付、處理」,例如:We have gained sufficient experience to tackle this problem.(我們已有充足的經驗,可以解決此問題。)、to tackle the violence(解決暴力問題)、to tackle youth crime(解決青年犯罪)。
● turnover,名詞/ˈtɜː(r)nˌəʊvə(r)/失誤(攻守交換)
英解:in American and Canadian football when the offense loses possession of the football because of a fumble, interception, or on downs
例句:Despite four turnovers, the Giants looked confident and in shape.(雖然有四次失誤,巨人隊仍看起來信心滿滿。)
用法:最常用的意思有:「營業額」,例如:The firm has an annual turnover of $75 million.(該公司的年營業額為7,500萬美元。)
另一常見意思為:「離職率」,例如:They've had a lot of turnover at the factory recently.(最近他們的工廠人員離職率很高。)
● rushing,名詞/ˈrʌʃ.ɪŋ/往前衝(推進)
英解:in American football an action taken by the offense that means to advance the ball by running with it
例句:The Dolphins had just 24 yards rushing in the first half.(海豚隊在上半場,僅僅推進了24碼。)
用法:rush v.趕忙做……,例句:We rushed the children off to school.(我們催趕孩子們上學去。)
Whenever I see him, he seems to be rushing.(每當見到他時,他總是很忙碌的樣子。)
● 美式足球代表著深刻的美國文化,也是美國最受歡迎、家喻戶曉,大家都會做的家庭活動之一。在您的文化裡,有沒有什麼運動或活動,家人朋友會一起進行的呢?
● 美式足球(又稱美式橄欖球),它和一般的英式橄欖球(rugby),有什麼不同呢?
● 試著針對一項運動(例如:籃球、棒球、羽球、桌球等)分享大致上的規則與某些專業術語。