《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手的新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Toyota Recalls First Mass-Produced EVs Less Than 2 Months After Launch
TOKYO—Toyota Motor Corp. said on Thursday it would recall 2,700 of its first mass-produced electric vehicles (EVs) because of a danger that wheels could come loose.
The world’s largest automaker by sales submitted the recall of the bZ4X SUVs to Japan’s transportation ministry. Of the 2,700 vehicles, 2,200 were earmarked for Europe, 260 for the United States, 20 for Canada, and 110 for Japan, the company said.
Japan’s safety regulator said sharp turns and sudden braking could cause a hub bolt to loosen, raising the risk of a wheel coming off the vehicle. The regulator said it was not aware of any accidents being caused by the defect.
東京——豐田汽車公司6月23日表示,因為車輪鬆動風險,將召回首批量產2,700臺電動汽車 (EV)。
日本安全監管機構表示,急轉彎和突煞車,恐造成輪轂螺栓鬆動,增加車輪脫落風險。 監管機構表示,目前尚未出現因該瑕疵所導致的任何事故。
recall,動詞 /rɪˈkɔːl/ 召回
英解:to order the return of products made by a company
例句:The company recalled all their latest antibiotics.(公司全數召回最近生産的抗生素。)
earmark,動詞 /ˈɪr.mɑːrk/ 指定...特殊用途
英解:to keep something for a particular purpose
例句:The school has decided to earmark 10 percent of its annual budget for book purchases.(學校決定將年度預算的10%用於購書。)
raise,動詞 /reɪz/ 增加
英解:to increase
例句:The US government is planning to raise taxes.(美國政府正計畫提高稅收。)
defect,名詞 /ˈdiː.fekt/ 瑕疵
英解:a fault or problem in something not to work correctly
例句:There are so many defects in our education system.(我們的教育體制有太多缺陷。)
*電動車與燃油車(gasoline cars),您比較喜歡哪一種?它們的優缺點分別是什麼?