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【English Corner 快樂英語角Week 7】

單元2:Idioms of the Week(俗諺俚語)

No pain(s), no gain(s) 一分耕耘,一分收獲。(123RF)
No pain(s), no gain(s) 一分耕耘,一分收獲。(123RF)

單元2:Idioms of the Week(俗諺俚語)

No pain(s), no gain(s)


英解: You will not gain without pain.

例1:There are no gains without pains.(沒有痛苦就沒有收穫。)

例2:In our universe, there is this principle: no loss, no gain. To gain, one must lose.(我們這個宇宙中就有這個理:不失者不得,得就要失。)◇