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【English Corner 快樂英語角Week 16】

單元2:Idioms of the Week 俗諺俚語

Take the bull by the horn(抓住公牛角)。(大紀元圖庫)
Take the bull by the horn(抓住公牛角)。(大紀元圖庫)

單元2: Idioms of the Week 俗諺俚語


Take the bull by the horns

英解:to do something difficult in a brave and determined way

例1:It's time to take the bull by the horns and get this job done.(該是下定決心,把工作做好的時候了。)

例2:Why don't you take the bull by the horns and tell him to leave?(你為何不當機立斷請他離開?)◇