Trump Gives Farewell Speech: The Movement We Started Is Only Just Beginning
President Donald Trump released his farewell speech on Tuesday afternoon, saying he will pray for the success of the forthcoming administration.
“We are—and must always be—a land of hope, of light, and of glory to
all the world. This week we inaugurate a new administration and pray for
its success in keeping America safe and prosperous.”
Trump said.
“We did what we came here to do—and so much more. Above all, we have
reasserted the sacred idea that in America, the government answers to
the people.”
“We restored the idea that in America, no one is forgotten—because
everyone matters and everyone has a voice. I took on the tough battles,
the hardest fights,
the most difficult choices—because that’s what
you elected me to do. Our agenda was not about right or left, it wasn’t
about Republican or Democrat, but about the good of a nation, and that
means the whole nation.”
☆forthcoming,形容詞 /ˈfɔːrθˌkʌm.ɪŋ/ 即將發生的
英解:happening soon
例句:Keep an eye on the noticeboards for forthcoming events.(留意佈告欄上即將舉辦的活動。)
用法:又作「樂於交談的」,例如:John was more forthcoming than I expected.(約翰比我預期的還要願意分享。)
☆inaugurate,動詞 /ɪˈnɑː.ɡjə.reɪt/ 開創
英解:to start or introduce something new and important
例句:The change of government inaugurated a new era of economic prosperity.(政府更迭開創了經濟繁榮的新時代。)
用法:另一常用意思為「就職」,例:American presidents are always inaugurated on January 20th.(美國總統總在1月20日正式就職。)
☆administration,名詞 /ədˌmɪn.əˈstreɪ.ʃən/ 政府團隊
英解:a period of government, or the people who are in government
例句:The Trump administration created over seven million new jobs.(川普政府創造了超過700萬個新工作機會。)
admin /ˈæd.mɪn/ ,例如:Teachers complain that more of their time is taken
up with admin than with teaching.(老師抱怨他們花在行政工作上的時間超過教學的時間。)
☆reassert,動詞 /ˌriː.əˈsɝːt/ 重申
英解:to say again that something is definitely true
例句:The Prime Minister aimed to reassert his authority.(首相以重申他的權威為目標。)
用法:assert,動詞 /əˈsɝːt/ 主張。assert yourself,堅持主張,例:You really must assert yourself more in meetings.
☆restore,動詞 /rɪˈstɔːr/ 恢復
英解:to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position
例句:Doctors say there's a possibility that his sight can be restored.(醫生說他的視力有可能恢復。)
用法:store,可當動詞,「儲存」,例:Store the cake in an airtight container.(將蛋糕存放在密封的容器裡。)
The movement we started is only just beginning.(我們引領的運動,才正要開始。)
相關單字:political accomplishments n. 政績、admirable adj. 令人讚賞的、improve v. 改善、unknown adj. 陌生的、familiar adj. 熟悉的、turn sth around v. 翻轉、distinguish v. 分辨。◇