Global Shipping Disrupted by COVID-19 Outbreak in China's Southern Province
The recent outbreak of COVID-19 in China's southern province Guangdong has caused acute congestion at the region's ports. Shipments have been delayed, which has severely disrupted global supply chains. Adding to that, the surge in the cost of sea freight from China since the end of last year has caused many Chinese companies to cancel export orders.
Since the sudden COVID-19 outbreak in the province in late May, operations at the terminals at the ports in Guangdong province, including in major port Yatian in Shenzhen, have been restricted due to the shutdown measures that the Chinese regime adopted to control the spread of the disease. It has caused severe congestion.
中國南方省分疫情爆發 打亂全球海運
最近在中國南部廣東省爆發的 COVID-19 疫情,導致該區的港口極度壅塞。發貨延遲,嚴重擾亂全球供應鏈。此外,自去年年底以來,由中國出發的海運費成本激增,造成許多中國企業取消出口訂單。
5月下旬該省突然爆發 COVID-19疫情,且中國政權為控制疾病傳播而採取的關閉措施,也讓廣東省港口碼頭(包括深圳主要港口鹽田)的運作受到限制。因而造成嚴重的堵塞。
☆congestion,名詞 /kənˈdʒestʃən/ 堵塞
英解:a situation in which a place is crowded with people or vehicles, so that it is difficult to move around
例句:The project aims to reduce traffic congestion.(該計畫目的在減少交通堵塞。)
用法:congestion charge(交通擁堵費),目前在英國倫敦、瑞典斯德哥爾摩、美國紐約、新加坡等,為舒緩擁擠的交通,分別在特定時間與區域實施「交通擁堵費」的收取。
☆disrupt,動詞 /dɪsˈrʌpt/ 擾亂
英解:to prevent it from continuing by creating a problem
例句:Protesters tried to disrupt the meeting.(抗議者企圖打斷會議。)
用法:形容詞 disruptive。例,Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behavior.(酒精會製造暴力和搗亂的行為。)
☆freight,名詞 /freɪt/ 貨運
英解:the transport system that carries goods
例句:Will the goods be sent by air or sea freight?(這些貨物要空運還是海運?)
用法:也可當動詞「運送」。例,Apples from this region are freighted all over the world. (產自這地區的蘋果被運到世界各地。)
☆terminal,名詞 /ˈt ɝ mənəl/ 碼頭
英解:the area at a port that is used by passengers leaving or arriving by ship
例句:在不同的場域,terminal也可作「機場航廈」、「巴士站」、「火車月臺」等。例,Terminal 3 is used mostly for domestic flights. (第三航廈主要用於國內航班。)
用法:port指的是「港口」和 harbor 同義。例,Pearl Harbor 珍珠港。
相關單字:influence n. 影響、outbreak n. 爆發、level 3 alert n. 三級警戒、lockdown on the city n. 封城、spontaneously adv. 自願地、transportation n. 交通工具、protective measures n. 保護措施。◇