Tips for Preventing Heatstroke
Heatstroke is when a person’s core body temperature rises too high—often more than 104 degrees F (40 C)—because high environmental temperatures and humidity prevent the body from cooling itself through sweating and breathing. As heatstroke develops, a patient experiences rapid heart rate, ragged breathing, dizziness, nausea, muscle cramps, and confusion. Eventually the patient may lose consciousness entirely.
Victims of heatstroke can be any age, but most often it strikes the elderly—particularly those over the age of 70—because our bodies’ ability to cool off declines with age. Additionally, many common medications used to control blood pressure, seizures, and psychological disorders reduce a person’s ability to regulate temperature.
In addition to advancing age, other factors that increase the risk for heatstroke are obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
Here are tips on how to prevent heatstroke:
*Stay hydrated. Drink more water and avoid sugary drinks and alcohol.
*Rest. Don’t exercise during the hottest hours of the day—typically between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
*Find a cool environment. If you don’t have an air-conditioned home or car, try:
- spraying yourself with water and sitting in front of a fan
- taking a cool bath or shower
- placing a cold pack on your neck, armpit, or head.
1. 根據文章,為何高血壓患者,可能比較容易熱中暑?
2. 根據本文,下面哪一個「不是」有效預防熱中暑的方法?
3. 炎炎夏日,你有什麼預防中暑的獨門祕方?試分享之。
1. Many common medications used to control blood pressure reduce a
person’s ability to regulate
temperature. (許多用於控制血壓的常用藥物,會降低一個人調節體溫的能力。)
2. (B)。
* * *
What does it mean to be in truly good health?
Many doctors would say that being healthy is the absence of disease. This may be good enough if you’re applying for life insurance, but what if you don’t sleep at night or can’t get down and back up off the floor to stretch or do a sit-up?
Based on Chinese medicine, here’s a list of some elements of good health:
Being Free From Pain. There are many people who are seemingly healthy except that they struggle with some kind of pain—chronic headaches, aches that change with the weather, or pain that has lingered from old injuries.
The Ability to Get a Good Night’s Sleep. Your body heals, recharges, and rejuvenates during sleep, so your ability to fall and stay asleep is crucial.
Appropriate Expressive Emotions. This is emotional wellness that includes a life that has meaning, joy, gratitude, resilience, an open heart, and loving relationships.
A Good Appetite and Digestion. It’s possible to have a hearty appetite and eat healthy food, but if your digestion is funky, or compromised, it impacts your health.
Being healthy is about how you feel. Good health feels good. The bottom line is that you’re able to eat and sleep well, and have energy to enjoy your life.
1. 根據本文,如果無法做「仰臥起坐」,是否可被視為「缺乏真正的健康」?
2. 根據本文,下面哪一個敘述,「不能」算作擁有真正的健康?
3. 請問你理想中的「真健康」,還包括哪些是本文沒有提到的?試列舉幾項你認為擁有「真健康」的必要條件。
1. 是。
2. (C)。