How to Go From Procrastination to Inspiration
1. Allow a Grace Period
Give yourself a grace period so you could allow yourself to mess up. This grace period serves as a cushion that softens the blow. If you are feeling stuck in an endless loop of procrastination, remove the burden by giving yourself the space to fail.
2. Detach From the Results
When you build a grace period into the planning or work, you give yourself a breather. If you really want to work with inspiration, remove the outcomes. I use this all the time. Whenever I feel overwhelmed and procrastinate because the task feels so daunting, I remind myself to detach from the results. This immediately melts away the tension and allows me to reconnect with life again, making me feel inspired.
3. Do Not Judge
Judging yourself harshly as a perfectionist is just inviting procrastination. Whenever you judge yourself, you are starting a vicious cycle that has no end. The first two steps do not guarantee that you will not fail. They are there to get you mobile again after being paralyzed with fear. This third step will help you to cope with the failure in a healthy way if your fear becomes a reality.
By keeping these three simple steps in mind, you can break out of your own cycles of procrastination, unlocking maximum inspiration and success.
1. 根據文章,有哪三種方法,可以幫你擺脫「拖延」的惡習?
2. 根據本文,採用哪一種方法,可以讓你的緊張情緒瞬間消失?
3. 你也有「拖延」的習慣嗎?什麼時候會導致你「拖延」?你如何擺脫陷入「拖延」的困境?
1. (1) Allow a grace period.
(2) Detach from the results.
(3) Do not judge.
2. Detach from the results.(不去在意結果。)
***文章二:How to Relieve Intestinal Gas—Naturally
Modify Your Diet
Foods that produce gaseous carbs include many kinds of vegetables (such as broccoli, garlic, asparagus, cauliflower, and onion), fruits (like peaches, pears, and apricots), certain grains (such as oats, polenta, and quinoa), dairy, and legumes. Eliminating these foods from your diet can help to reduce your digestive issues.
Yogurt is the go-to food choice for people with digestive issues because it contains probiotics, which help to promote gut health. It can relieve bloating and gas pains almost immediately—as long as you aren’t lactose intolerant. And be aware, not all yogurt is created equal. Look for brands with live probiotics.
Fresh Citrus Juice
Citrus fruit juices, such as those derived from lemons and oranges, are generally great low-gas options to consume. Adding some fresh lemon or lime juice to water will also help to improve your overall digestion.
Either eating some raw ginger root or drinking it in a cup of tea can help relieve bloating and gas. Ginger is a natural carminative—an agent that relieves gas.
1. 根據本文,吃哪一種食物,不能有效減少脹氣的發生?(A)人參。(B)檸檬。(C)花椰菜。
2. 優格,能立刻有效減緩脹氣的不適,是因為它含有什麼物質?
3. 你也有脹氣或一直「排氣」的困擾嗎?請問您是否有什麼妙方良藥,可以跟大家分享的?
2. probiotics(益生菌,good bacteria)