《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手的新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Several Big Business Groups Express Displeasure With Biden’s Private Employer COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
Several large business groups on Thursday said President Joe Biden’s latest COVID-19 vaccine requirement was poorly planned and would burden employers during the holiday season.
The mandate, announced by Biden in September, was released to the public for the first time on Nov. 4.
It requires employers with 100 or more employees—and, perhaps, smaller businesses—to secure proof of COVID-19 vaccination from workers or force them to get tested for the disease on a regular basis, at least once a week.
mandate,名詞 /ˈmændeɪt/(強制)命令
英解:an official order to do something
例句:They carried out the governor's mandate to build more roads.(他們完成州長的命令,修建了更多的道路。)
release,動詞 /rɪˈliːs/ 公布
英解:to allow something to be shown in public
例句:These are the first accident statistics to be released.(這些是首次公布的事故統計數據。)
employer,名詞 /ɪmˈplɔɪ.ɚ/ 雇主
英解:a person or organization that hires people
例句:She was fired after she was caught stealing from her employer.(她偷東西被雇主逮個正著,接著就被解雇了。)
secure,動詞 /səˈkjʊr/ 設法得到
英解:to get something, sometimes with difficulty
例句:He used his house to secure the loan .(他用他的房子來獲得貸款。)