《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手的新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Second US Delegation Visits Taiwan in a Month, Defying Beijing’s Will
A U.S. Congressional delegation has kicked off a surprise one-day visit to Taiwan—the second visit from Washington to the self-ruled island this month.
Despite Beijing’s previous demand over a trip cancellation, The bipartisan delegation landed in Taipei on Nov. 25 and praised Taiwan as “a force for good in the world” while meeting its president.
“Our commitment to Taiwan is rock solid and has remained steadfast as the ties between us have deepened. Taiwan is a democratic success story, a reliable partner, and a force for good in the world” he added.
It is the second trip of U.S. congressmen to Taiwan this month and the third of this year.
「我們對臺灣的承諾堅如磐石,並且隨著我們之間的關係不斷深化而堅定不移。臺灣是一個民主成功的故事、可靠的伙伴,以及世界上良善的力量。」民主黨籍眾議員高野(Mark Takano)補充說到。
delegation ,名詞 /ˌdel.əˈɡeɪ.ʃən/ 代表團
英解:a group of delegates
例句:A delegation from the White House attended the meeting.(白宮代表團出席了會議。)
defy,動詞 /dɪˈfaɪ/ 拒絕遵守
英解:to refuse to obey a person, decision, law, situation, etc.
例句:I wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.(我不敢違抗我的老師。)
kick off,動詞 /kɪk/ /ɑːf/ 開始
自然發音:KI-ck off
英解:If a game of football kicks off, it starts.
例句:What time does the game kick off?(比賽什麼時候開始?)
steadfast,形容詞 /ˈsted.fæst/ 堅定的
英解:staying the same for a long time and not changing quickly or unexpectedly
例句:My steadfast faith never left me for one moment.(我堅定的信仰,從沒有一刻離開過我。)
*英文有一句簡單的俗話:Today is my day.(今天是我的日子!)如果把my換成Taiwan's,好像也非常貼切。邀請您一起上網檢索自2017年以來的相關報導,看看臺灣這5年來,在國際上是如何備受肯定與青睞?