《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手的新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。
Taiwan's President Tells China That War Is 'Absolutely Not an Option'
Taiwan's president has ruled out armed confrontation with China, saying that her government is willing to engage with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to reach a “mutually agreeable arrangement.”
In her national address on Monday, President Tsai Ing-wen said it was “regrettable” that China had escalated its military intimidation, diplomatic pressure, and trade obstructions to remove Taiwan's sovereignty.
“I want to make clear to the Beijing authorities that armed confrontation is absolutely not an option for our two sides,” Tsai remarked.
rule out,動詞 /ruːl//aʊt/ 防止
自然發音:ru-le ou-t
英解:to prevent something from happening
例句:Police said arson could not be ruled out.(警方表示,不能排除人為縱火可能。)
regrettable,形容詞 /rɪˈɡret̬.ə.bəl/ 令人遺憾的
英解:making you feel sad and sorry about something
例句:It is regrettable that so many people have lost their jobs.(有那麼多人失去工作,真令人遺憾。)
escalate,動詞 /ˈes.kə.leɪt/ 使加劇
英解:to make something become greater or more serious
例句:The tension escalated until it became unbearable.(緊張氣氛不斷升級,直到無法忍受。)
sovereignty,名詞 /ˈsɒv.rɪn.ti/ 統治(主)權
英解:the power of a country to control its own government
例句:No countries should be entitled to violate other countries' sovereignty.(任何國家都無權去侵犯他國主權。)
*今年國慶有三天連假,您有安排特別的活動,幫國家慶生嗎? ◇