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【English Corner 快樂英語角Week 93】

Reading for Fun 好文趣事

Another Sports Bonus for Kids: Healthier Eyes

Sometimes allergies can lead to pink, irritated eyes. But allergic conjunctivitis, or “pink eye” may have a simple fix: physical fitness.

That’s the conclusion of researchers in Taiwan who tracked the health data of more than 1.2 million children. The kids were examined at age 10, sometime between 2010 and 2018.

The investigators also used Taiwan’s nationwide Physical Fitness Test to measure the children’s physical fitness.

lived in densely populated urban areas, and had a history of asthma and/or allergic rhinitis (hay fever).(123RF)lived in densely populated urban areas, and had a history of asthma and/or allergic rhinitis.(123RF)

Fitter kids were less likely to develop allergic conjunctivitis, the researchers found. Conversely, kids at increased risk for the condition were overweight, experienced greater exposure to air pollution, lived in densely populated urban areas, and had a history of asthma and/or allergic rhinitis (hay fever).

Allergic conjunctivitis affects up to 30 percent of kids worldwide, according to the study authors, showing up as inflammation in the white of the eye with eye redness, itching, and watery eyes. 

1. 根據本文,易誘發「過敏性結膜炎」的原因,不包括下列哪一項敘述?(1)孩童體重過輕(2)住在人口稠密的都市(3)空氣汙染(4)有氣喘病史。

2. 根據本文,「過敏性結膜炎」有哪些症狀?

3. 如果您孩子眼睛也經常無故充血、泛紅、發腫,在看完醫生、點好藥水之餘,也許增加些日常體能活動,「紅眼」說不定就能不藥而癒。



2. eye redness, itching, and watery eyes(眼睛泛紅、發癢、流眼淚。)



Family Meals Together Ease Stress, Survey Confirms

Experts have long suggested that family dinners serve many health benefits. Now, a new survey from the American Heart Association backs that up: An overwhelming 91 percent of parents said their family is less stressed when they break bread with each other. 

Family Meals Together Ease Stress.(123RF)Family Meals Together Ease Stress.(123RF)

“Sharing meals with others is a great way to reduce stress, boost self-esteem and improve social connection, particularly for kids,” said Dr. Erin Michos, American Heart Association volunteer and associate director of preventive cardiology at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore.

“Chronic, constant stress can also increase your lifetime risk of heart disease and stroke, so it is important for people to find ways to reduce and manage stress as much as possible, as soon as possible.”   Roughly 67 percent of people said sharing a meal reminds them of the importance of connecting with other people. It also reminds them to slow down and take a break, 54 percent said.  

1. 根據本文,下列哪一項敘述不正確?(1)超過六成的人認為共食提醒他們人與人相處的重要(2)心臟病可能來自長期壓力(3)超過九成的父母反饋因為一起吃飯,家庭成員較少有壓力(4)與他人共食能減輕壓力,尤其是成年人。

2. 根據Dr. Erin Michos所述,一起吃飯的好處有哪些?

3. 您有多久沒有和家人或朋友一起坐下來好好吃頓飯呢?不如今天試試吧!



2. to reduce stress, boost self-esteem and improve social connection(減輕壓力、增強自信、促進社交能力。)

