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【English Corner 快樂英語角Week 87】

Reading for Fun 好文趣事

Is the link between immune function and a good night's rest a myth?(123RF)
Is the link between immune function and a good night's rest a myth?(123RF)
Is the link between immune function and a good night’s rest a myth?

To really boost our immune systems, maybe we just need to get enough sleep. Or is that a total myth? Fact or fiction: if you don’t get enough sleep, it can impair your immune system. Believe it or not, we didn’t know for certain either way, until 2009.  

Researchers dripped virus into people’s nostrils—the common cold virus. Now, you’d think if someone squirted virus right up your nose, you’d definitely get sick. But no. It really depends on your immune system. Someone with a cold can sneeze dead in your face—but if you have a good enough immune system, you won’t get sick.  

We just need to get enough sleep.(123RF)We just need to get enough sleep.(123RF)
So in the study, did it depend on how much sleep they’d been getting? Fact, or fiction?  

Fact. Those getting enough sleep were three to five times more likely to beat the virus.  

1. 根據本文,下列哪一項敘述不正確?(1)充足睡眠具備絕佳抵抗力(2)生病且帶病毒的人在你面前打噴嚏,你一定會受到感染(3)直接放病毒在你鼻腔裡,你有可能不會感染(4)睡眠不足會破壞你的免疫系統。

2. 根據本文,如何提升我們的免疫力?

3. 您都是如何提升自己的免疫力?


1. (2)

2.  We just need to get enough sleep.(我們只需要睡眠充足。)



More Antibiotics in White Meat or Dark Meat?

Concentrations of antibiotic residues vary between different edible muscle tissues in poultry. In which muscles do antibiotic residues concentrate the most? White meat? Dark meat? Or, both the same? And the answer is: white meat.  


More Antibiotics in White Meat or Dark Meat?(123RF)More Antibiotics in White Meat or Dark Meat?(123RF)
Significantly more antibiotic residues in breast meat, compared to thigh. Those were the only two tested, though.  

"Even though the present study found greater residue concentrations in breast versus thigh muscle tissues, the possibility also exists that other edible muscle tissues ([like] legs or wings)could have even higher levels."


1. 根據本文,下列敘述何者正確?(1)抗生素殘留含量因不同部位而異(2)雞腿肉比雞胸肉含較多的抗生素(3)研究測試雞隻,至少四個部位,分別含有多少抗生素(4)雞翅的抗生素殘留可能較低。

2. 根據本文,您可以推測出breast meat是white meat or dark meat?

3. 您在挑選雞肉的食用部位時,有什麼選擇考量?


1. (1)

2.  white meat(白肉)

