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Taiwan salutes slugger Yu Chang for WBC heroics
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Yu Chang (張育成) has provided the spark that Taiwan has needed to make it through a very difficult Pool A qualifier in this year's World Baseball Classic.
Taiwan was on the ropes against Italy 5-7 in late innings when a Yu Chang homer tied the ballgame and sparked a comeback victory. Less than 24 hours later, his 4-run grand slam put the game out of reach against a talented Dutch squad.
The Dutch are a powerhouse in international baseball due to overseas territories in the Carribean: Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten. These islands have provided a bounty of ball players, with nearly half of the Dutch roster coming from the MLB, including bonafide stars like Xander Bogaerts, Didi Gregorius, and relief pitcher Kanley Jansen.
While such talent led the Dutch squad to the quarterfinals last year, Taiwan has never advanced past group play, mostly due to a dearth of pitching and hitting talent. Taiwan's roster is mostly homegrown with only a sprinkling of players in overseas leagues.
張育成(Yu Chang)替今年世界棒球經典賽,臺灣隊欲闖過A組艱困預賽點燃士氣。
荷蘭是世界棒球強國,擁有大量球員來自其海外領土加勒比海,包括阿魯巴島、庫拉索島、聖馬丁島等。此外,也有近半數荷蘭球員來自美國職業棒球大聯盟,例如,Xander Bogaerts、Didi Gregorius,以及救援投手Kanley Jansen等明星球員。
salute,動詞 /səˈluːt/ 敬禮
英解:to make a formal sign of respect to someone, especially by raising the right hand to the side of the head
例句:We salute you for your courage and determination.(我們向您的勇氣和決心致敬。)
qualifier,名詞 /ˈkwɑː.lə.faɪ.ɚ/ 預賽
英解:a game from which the winner will go on to compete in the next part of a competition
例句:Taiwan eventually still can't make it through the qualifier in this year's WBC.(臺灣最終還是沒能闖過今年WBC的分組預賽。)
on the ropes,名詞 /roʊp/ 處於困境
自然發音:on the ropes
英解:doing badly and likely to fail
例句:Primary election results show the governor is on the ropes.(初選結果顯示州長岌岌可危。)
a dearth of,名詞 /dɝːθ/ 缺乏
自然發音:a dear-th of
英解:an amount is not large enough
例句:There is a dearth of qualified players.(我們缺乏合格球員。)
* WBC世界棒球經典賽是由「美國MLB大聯盟」和「世界棒壘聯盟」共同策劃的高水準賽事,每四年舉辦一次,今年是第五屆,您也有觀賞比賽嗎?截至目前您最喜歡哪兩隊的比賽?
* 中華隊雖然在世界棒球排名第二,但WBC大賽表現似乎都不甚理想,您如何解讀?◇