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【學英文 懂新聞】中國公民被迫「走線」 逃離家園

CCP Tightens Exit Controls Amid Sharp Increase in Citizens Fleeing China。(123RF)
CCP Tightens Exit Controls Amid Sharp Increase in Citizens Fleeing China。(123RF)


《學英文 懂新聞》藉由閱讀第一手新聞資訊,不僅能學到正統道地的新聞英文,更能培養慎思明辨的能力。

CCP Tightens Exit Controls Amid Sharp Increase in Citizens Fleeing China

 The sharp increase of Chinese citizens joining the “run” movement—fleeing China by both legal and illegal means—has attracted international attention since the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) three-year draconian “zero-COVID” lockdowns that caused countless humanitarian tragedies.

Most of them have taken various routes to the United States, their ideal destination. Meanwhile, the CCP is reported to have tightened control over Chinese citizens' overseas travel to save face as so many citizens are fleeing, in contrast to the CCP's claim of “confidence” in its system.  

【譯文】逃離中國公民驟增 中共收緊出境控管




 flee,動詞 /fli/ 逃跑


英解:to run away

例句:Why does she always flee any kind of responsibility?(為什麼她總是逃避責任?) 

draconian,形容詞 /drəˈkoniən/ 嚴峻的


英解:to go further than what is right or necessary

例句:The measure is not as draconian as it sounds.(這項措施其實不像聽起來那樣嚴厲。)

route,名詞 /rut/ 路線


英解:a particular way or direction between places

例句:Which is the best route to take?(走哪條路線最好?)

tighten,動詞 /ˈtaɪtṇ/ 勒緊


英解:to draw tighter

例句:Turn the screw to the right to tighten it.(往右轉螺絲鎖緊。)




* 為何今日中國人民,比以往更迫切想逃離自己的家園?過去的中國移民與今日的移民,有哪裡不同?
