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【學英文 懂新聞】中秋烤肉祕訣大公開

Simple Secrets for Grilling Cuts of Meat.(123RF)
Simple Secrets for Grilling Cuts of Meat.(123RF)


即便是自己在家,也可以烤肉!今天我們的《學英文 懂新聞》要來跟大家分享烤肉祕訣,肉要怎麼烤,才會軟嫩多汁?

Simple Secrets for Grilling Cuts of Meat


Enzymatic action from wine, beer, cider, and soy sauce also helps. (123RF)Enzymatic action from wine, beer, cider, and soy sauce also helps. (123RF)

A marinade is the secret to making a tough cut of meat as succulent and tender as a prime cut. Just make sure your marinade of choice contains acids like vinegar, lemon, and wine. Acid breaks down the meat to make it tender. Enzymatic action from wine, beer, cider, and soy sauce also helps.


You need a decent instant-read food thermometer to take out all the guesswork. (123RF)You need a decent instant-read food thermometer to take out all the guesswork. (123RF)

The only way to guarantee that your meat will be moist, tender, and cooked to a safe temperature is with a food thermometer. Forget the poke test where you’re supposed to be able to discern a piece of meat’s level of doneness by poking at it with your finger. You need a decent instant-read food thermometer to take out all the guesswork.







grill,動詞 /ˈɡrɪl/ 燒烤


英解:to cook food over fire or hot coals, usually on a metal frame

例句:We grill the steak on the barbecue.(我們在BBQ活動上烤牛排。)

marinade (marinate),動(名)詞 /ˌmærɪˈneɪd/ 醃漬醬汁


英解:to pour a marinade over meat or fish

例句:Marinate the chicken in white wine for a couple of hours before frying.(油炸之前,將雞肉浸泡在白葡萄酒中,醃幾個小時。)

acid,名詞 /ˈæs.ɪd/ 酸


英解: a chemical substance with a pH value of less than 7

例句:Below pH 6.5 is acid, above pH 7.5 is alkaline.(pH 6.5 以下為酸性,pH 7.5 以上為鹼性。)

discern,動詞 /dɪˈsɝːn/ 辨別出


英解: to recognize something that is not clear

例句:It is difficult to discern any pattern in these figures.(要從這些數字中找出規律很難。)





祝福大家,中秋佳節愉快! ◇
